PCB Board Reverse Engineering Example


Below is a four layers PCB board reverse engineering method and proces:

There is a four layers PCB board with all the components have been removed completely and surface has been cleaned, we can follow the below steps:

1 Scan top layer and save the picture, name as TOP.jpg, setup the scanning DPI according to the density, let’s assume the DPI is 400;

2 Scan bottom layer and save the picture, name it as BOTTOM.jpg;

It is very important to ensure all the circuit of MID1 & MID2 layer copper be exposed completely during PCB board reverse engineering process:

3 Use sandpaper to abrade the top layer of PCB board till the appearance of 1st inner layer emerge, clean it up and then scan it too, name as MID1.JPG;

4 Use sandpaper to abrade the bottom layer of PCB board till the appearance of 2nd  inner layer emerge, clean it up and then scan it too, name as MID2.JPG;

5 level each one of the pictures in PHOTOSHOP when reverse engineering PCB board through rotating pictures, which can ensure better cosmetic performance on the circuit pattern and make the alignment of upside and downside pictures easier. Hereby we suggest to make the bottom layer as mirror one as a result of that the top picture can orientate in the same direction when reverse engineering the PCB board, and all the aligned hole will be matched. Finally we should save all the pictures into BMP files format such as TOP.bmp, BOTTOM.bmp, MID1.bmp, MID2.bmp.

6 open color PCB board reverse engineering software, from main menu select “file”->”open”->select TOP.bmp file;

7 setup the DPI then we can start to reverse engineering top layer, choose the layer sequence as TOP and then place component, via and track;

8 after all the components, vias and tracks have been placed on TOP layer completely we can save temporary file and name as TOP-1.dpb;

9 Close current screen window before go to next step of PCB board reverse engineering and select “file”->”open”->select BOTTOM.bmp, and open temporary file TOP-1.dpb. if the top layer picture fail to align with Bottom background picture in the process of reverse engineeringing, we can press CTRL + A button together simultaneously and select all the components, use direction cursor name UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to move it till the alignment be made. After that all the track, pads and vias can be added on the bottom layer and then save the temporary file as BOTTOM-1.dpb;

10 Same process will be applied when reverse engineering the interlayer 1 & 2 PCB board and finally export the PCB board file.


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