Electronic PCB Card Cloning Numerical System

Electronic PCB Card Cloning Numerical System can only deal with 1 and 0 signal and have very good error compatibility when cloning electronic pcb card, but the harmonic wave generated from the high speed pulse will lead to weaker signal when the frequency become weaker in the same time after electronic pcb card cloning. Sometimes the forward error retification can effectively eliminate the negative effect of it, but partial bandwidth from the system will be used for the redundant data transmission, and lead to deterioration of systematic functions from electronic pcb card cloning. A relatively good solution is let the Radio frequency effect contribute to completeness of the signal instead of reduce it. So designer will normally suggest the highest frequency of digital system’s return lost value won’t exceed -25db, and it equals to VSWR 1.1.

electronic pcb card cloning’s subject become smaller, faster and lower cost, as for the radio frequency electronic pcb card cloning, high speed signal sometimes will limit the miniature design from electronic circuit board. Nowadays, the way to tackle the issue is through grounding management, and making separation/reduce stud capacitance in the process of pcb layout. For this method will include the effective management of isolated material for the source signal line and grounding line after electronic pcb card cloning,

Since the interconnected points is the weakest joint in the circuits, in the radio frequency design of electronic pcb card cloning, the electronic magnetic features of interconnected points will become the main issue for the engineering design, need to monitor and analyze each one of the interconnected point and tackle all of the existing issue after electronic pcb card cloning. electronic pcb card system’s interconnection will include chip to electronic pcb card, interconnection of electronic pcb card internally and signal input/output among electronic pcb card and external device.